The Other Side Podcast Summary: Episode 1, Our New Beginning

“What does it take to get a job and be successful?” is one of the highest searched questions online, and it’s not difficult to understand why. A reliable job and rewarding career not only enables us to survive financially, but thrive as individuals. When we’re contributing value to ‘something bigger’ and more purposeful than ourselves, it puts our strengths to good use, solidifies our identity, and builds self worth.

Enriching careers mean thriving humans, and that’s the reason we exist! On our mission to help as many people as possible to thrive, we’re spreading the magic of human skills far and wide - through immersive apps, coaching, experiences and partnerships, but also through rich conversations.

The Other Side is a mini podcast series by Maxme where our Founder Renata (Ren) Sguario chats with recent graduate James Oana on the experience of making the leap from Uni to work, and thriving on the other side. Over 9 episodes (including a bonus intro chat), Ren and James cover Gen Z career building essentials like what makes a great CV, acing a job interview, seeking and giving feedback, the importance of self awareness, networking, body language and more.

Episode 1 of The Other Side, Our New Beginning, is all about introducing you to Ren, James, and the topics ahead.

In just over 20 minutes, you’ll discover:

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Contact us anytime - we’d love to hear from you.

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